If you wonder how to immigrate to Saudi Arabia from the USA, it is worth knowing that you can apply for several types of residence permits. Moreover, the government has enabled 5 additional visa options for those interested in the premium residence scheme. More about the premium residence visas and…
Setting up a Special Purpose Vehicle or SPV in Saudi Arabia implies registering a business with the intention of separating the assets held by company from the liability it bears in connection to them. A SPV company in Saudi Arabia is usually used for financial operations and resembles a holding…
Even though there are parts of the Middle East and North Africa which have registered a certain degree of political turmoil since the beginning of 2011, Saudi Arabia has kept its stability and foreign entrepreneurs continue to consider it an attractive place to do business in. In this article, our company…
The Value Added Tax (VAT) in Saudi Arabia represents an indirect tax that is levied on all goods and services acquired and sold by a legal entity, with several exceptions. Since the 1st of January, 2018, Saudi Arabia has imposed this tax here. In this article, our company formation consultants in Saudi Arabia give a brief overview…
Saudi Arabia is the most developed free market economy in the Middle East and North Africa, accounting for 25% of the total Arab GDP. The country’s geographic location confers a rapid access to the export markets of Europe, Africa and Asia, which make it an attractive hub for foreign investors. As…
Company liquidations in Saudi Arabia are effectuated according to the Regulations for Companies and to the different circulars issued by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry in the country. In this article, our company formation consultants in Saudi Arabia analyze different aspects related to the company liquidation in this jurisdiction. Types of liquidation procedures in…
The banking trend in Saudi Arabia is still developing. Individuals who live here have begun keeping their savings in bank accounts, however, they still prefer to usually pay and receive cash. If you decide to move and open a company in Saudi Arabia or work here, opening a bank account can prove to be extremely…
The corporate tax rate in Saudi Arabia is set at 20%. The corporate tax rate in this country averaged 24.72% from 1999 to 2016, achieving an all time high of 45% in 1999 and an all time low of 20% in 2006. In this article, our company formation advisors in Saudi Arabia explain different aspects related…
When a business buys another one, the second business generally becomes a subsidiary. Therefore, a subsidiary is a business that is owned and controlled by another company. The owning company is named a parent or a holding company. In this article, our company formation agents in Saudi Arabia explain different aspects related to opening a subsidiary…
The branch office in Saudi Arabia is incorporated following the regulations prescribed by the Foreign Investment Law. A foreign company applying to register a branch office in this country may receive the right to do so only for specific activities, as the branch office is prohibited for certain operations, such as trading activities. Investors interested in how to open a…